Updating Driving Procedure for Shikellamy Students

The Shikellamy School District Board of Directors has approved a procedural change for students who attend the SUN Area Technical Institute.  Beginning with the start of the 2020-2021 school year students from Shikellamy Area may drive their vehicles to  SUN ATI rather than ride the school bus.  Students who elect to drive to SUN ATI should refer to page 29 of the SUN Area Technical  School’s student handbook for rules and procedures regarding driving to campus.  A link to SUN ATI’s handbook can be found on their webpage. The Shikellamy Area School District will continue to provide transportation to all students who wish to take advantage of  it.  Please remind those students that elect to drive that safe driving practices are of paramount importance and will be enforced by the Administrations of both Shikellamy Area School District and the SUN Area Technical Institute.
