ISO 9001
ISO 9001
Many people don’t know what ISO 9001 means. A simple way is to look at it as a stamp of approval for what SUN Tech does (education and instruction) and how well it does this. It is something like a “Good Housekeeping Seal of Approval” or a UL (Underwriters Laboratories) designation given after evaluations by specific external organizations.An ISO Quality Management System (QMS) requires an organization to identify its customers and stakeholders. For SUN Tech, our primary customers are our students, whether secondary school students or adults. We have a large variety of stakeholders including parents, the school systems that send their students to SUN Tech, as well as employers and other groups in the community. The ISO registration process provides an outside opinion, by objective observers, about the quality of SUN Tech’s product (our “Curriculum and Instructional Services”).
A main focus of our QMS is on customer and stakeholder satisfaction. Are we meeting the needs and expectations of these groups? Our goal is to meet and exceed what is expected of SUN Tech. Feedback from customers and stakeholders furnishes information about how well SUN Tech is meeting these expectations and helps to identify ways to continually improve.
These efforts are coordinated and managed by SUN Tech’s Quality Management Team. The team looks for ways to improve what SUN Tech does and how it does it.
If you have any comments or suggestions to help SUN Tech in its journey of Continuous Improvement, see any member of the Quality Management Team or fill out one of our Customer Satisfaction Forms.