Remake Learning Days
Wonder, explore and learn together.
CSIU EcosySTEM and Career Ready Central PA have been working to increase STEM and career related events to our region for all levels of students this year. Please help us in spreading the word about these upcoming Remake Learning events! Remake Learning Days is an innovative learning festival for students, educators, and families. Taking root in regions across the world, thousands of hands-on and engaging events are designed for students of all ages at libraries, schools, tech centers, museums, play spaces, community centers, business and industry, and more. This year’s local festival is from April 22 – May 23, 2023 with 15 local events (Northeast PA Events) planned and 75+ events scheduled across the State. Some events have limited seats, so be sure to share this information as soon as possible!
Check out the flyers below and #RemakeDays
Local RLD2023_SDFlyer-version 2