Learn where the credits and advanced placement you earn at SUN Tech will transfer and how to transfer them to institutions of higher education.
Students at SUN Tech can earn college credits during their senior year, but knowing which programs are eligible and how many credits are available is difficult.
Fortunately PDE has made it a little easier: go to collegetransfer.net, and under the Search heading click PA Bureau of CTE SOAR Programs (here's a direct link to the page). Choose your program of study from the list provided and the year you will graduate, and you'll be provided with a list of how many credits will transfer to what colleges. We've provided a video below to show you how to use collegetransfer.net.
(Note: The list generated by collegetransfer.net only shows the credits available through the SOAR program, and not those available through articulation agreements between SUN Tech and specific colleges and universities. See the College Credits and Advanced Placement page or Contact Us for more information.